Ant Group reportedly plans IPO, blockchain firm discloses offer price on Nasdaq, and more

1 year ago 65

Ant Group, a institution backed by billionaire Jack Ma, is reportedly readying to restructure and chopped ties to immoderate operations that are not halfway parts of its Chinese fiscal business. The determination prepares the institution for a imaginable archetypal nationalist offering (IPO) successful Hong Kong. 

Citing anonymous sources, mainstream media outlet Bloomberg reported that the steadfast relayed to its shareholders that the institution is looking to permission its blockchain, database absorption retired of a main entity, which volition past beryllium applying for a fiscal holding licence successful China.

After completing its restructuring plans and securing the license, the institution tin hole to spell nationalist successful Hong Kong alternatively of its erstwhile attack of pursuing a dual Shanghai-Hong Kong listing.

In 2020, Ant Group targeted a $226 cardinal valuation by attempting a $30 cardinal IPO successful Hong Kong and Shanghai. If it had been successful, the archetypal nationalist offering would person been the largest successful history, overtaking erstwhile records specified arsenic the Saudi Aramco IPO which raised $29.4 billion. However, the Chinese authorities intervened earlier the IPO came to fruition.

While the plans look feasible, the study noted that they're not yet finalized and whitethorn beryllium taxable to changes.

Blockchain steadfast Earlyworks denote IPO pricing connected Nasdaq

Meanwhile, Japanese blockchain steadfast Earlyworks, which deals with grid ledger systems (GLS), has announced the pricing for its archetypal nationalist offering of 1.2 cardinal American Depository Shares. The shares volition spell for $5 each and person been approved for listing connected the Nasdaq Capital Market. 

According to a property merchandise by Earlyworks, the funds accumulated from the offering volition beryllium utilized to put successful probe and improvement for GLS and its System Development Kit (SDK). In addition, the institution volition besides beryllium onboarding caller endowment and strengthening its interior governance systems. The steadfast besides highlighted that it volition put successful blockchain businesses.

$ELWS Earlyworks Co Ltd is simply a Japan-based institution chiefly engaged successful the accusation strategy improvement and cognition outsourcing business. The Company is engaged successful the planning, proposal, design, and improvement of strategy solutions utilizing blockchain. The Company is besides engaged in…

— Just Michelle (@MaryMichelleNay) July 25, 2023

Earlyworks' GLS is simply a hybrid blockchain that integrates database exertion to execute high-speed processing. Earlyworks aims to leverage this exertion successful a wide scope of industries and connection a general-purpose SDK for engineers. 

Related: Allowing Coinbase to spell nationalist was not a ‘blessing’ from regulators — SEC

Other IPO news: 

Earlier this year, layer-1 blockchain supplier Chia Network said that it filed a connection for an IPO to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). On April 14, the steadfast announced that it submitted an IPO registration to the SEC. The institution did not supply galore details astir the offering and highlighted that the terms scope has not yet been determined. However, the IPO is expected to commencement erstwhile the SEC finishes its reappraisal process. 

On June 30, Bitcoin Depot, which is 1 of the largest crypto ATM providers successful the United States announced that it volition spell nationalist connected Nasdaq aft a merger with fintech steadfast GSR II Meteora. The institution made its debut connected the chars connected July 3, with its stocks rising by astir 12%.

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