Cardano Founder Criticizes Nassim Taleb, Here's Why

1 year ago 138

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Arman Shirinyan

Co-founder of Ethereum and Cardano has thing to accidental astir Nassim Taleb and Lex Fridman

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The creator of Cardano and co-founder of the Ethereum network Charles Hoskinson shared a unsmooth tweet astir the salient trader and writer Nassim Taleb, calling him a "piece of quality garbage" for a thread shared by Taleb on his idiosyncratic relationship a fewer hours ago.

In a bid of tweets, Taleb describes wherefore helium has turned down galore invitations to Lex Fridman's podcast betwixt 2019 and 2022. Taleb's main reasoning was that Fridman uses the rubric of "Research Scientist" successful MIT for gathering his representation successful media, which successful information could beryllium an unpaid outer presumption that allows room access.

If you don't get wherefore Nassim Taleb is an arrogant portion of quality garbage, past this thread volition bring you up to speed. Lex is 1 of the smartest, astir intellectually curious, and humble radical that I've ever met. Taleb wrote immoderate books radical unreal to person work astatine parties

— Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) January 2, 2023

Taleb said that determination is nary request to beryllium affiliated with an instauration to produce informational content, but astatine the aforesaid time, utilizing the sanction of a salient acquisition constitution is "shoddy." The ex-trader besides stated that Fridman utilized headings similar "Quick Note From MIT" to invitation him to podcasts.

Hoskinson, connected the different hand, told Taleb that Fridman is 1 of the smartest, astir intellectually funny and humble radical that helium had ever met, portion stating that Taleb wrote immoderate books for those who "pretend" to work astatine parties.

Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts and industry-affiliated influencers supported Hoskinson and said that determination is nary request to onslaught Fridman for elemental invitations to the podcasts. Fridman himself entered Taleb's thread, said that helium was sorry, wished the ex-trader a blessed caller twelvemonth and expressed admiration for his work.

The Cardano co-founder has not made immoderate further comments aft Fridman's post, nor has Nassim Taleb made immoderate caller posts astir Hoskinson's aggravated message. Cardano's underlying cryptocurrency ADA is disconnected to a bully commencement successful 2023 arsenic it gains 2.3% since the opening of the year.

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