registers in the Netherlands, cleared to advertise services

1 year ago 77

The speech received the greenish airy from De Nederlandsche Bank to connection services successful the country.

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4 Total shares registers successful  the Netherlands, cleared to advertise services is the latest cryptocurrency steadfast to person a greenish airy from the Dutch cardinal slope to connection its services successful the country.

The exchange announced that it had registered arsenic a cryptocurrency work supplier with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) pursuing a broad reappraisal of’s concern and compliance with the country’s Anti-Money Laundering and antagonistic financing of coercion requirements.

As antecedently reported, 36 cryptocurrency-related businesses are presently registered with the Dutch cardinal bank, including Coinbase Europe, eToro and Bitstamp.

Related: Coinbase enters the Netherlands with cardinal slope approval

Cointelegraph spoke exclusively to Tobias Oudejans, DNB property serviceman for supervision, fintech, cryptocurrencies, solution and outgo systems, who noted that the DNB could not remark connected circumstantial registrations owed to ineligible requirements of supervisory laws.

Oudejans clarified that the registration specifically allows cryptocurrency work providers to proviso cryptocurrency wallets to customers and process fiat currency and cryptocurrency exchanges.’s services were accessible successful the Netherlands earlier the registration announcement. Oudejans told Cointelegraph that Dutch-based users are legally allowed to motion up for a service, but a institution without registration would beryllium acting illegally if it solicited oregon advertised its services to imaginable Dutch users.

Binance precocious announced that it would springiness up efforts to registry arsenic a cryptocurrency work supplier successful the Netherlands and cease its operations successful the jurisdiction, aft failing to get support from the DNB.

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