Elon Musk says X will offer an 'entire financial world' in the coming months

1 year ago 58

In airy of the Twitter rebranding Elon Musk posted that successful the coming months, users tin expect to behaviour their “entire fiscal world” via the X platform.

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Elon Musk says X volition  connection    an 'entire fiscal  world' successful  the coming months

Elon Musk posted an update for users with much accusation connected the rebranding of Twitter to X saying it is portion of a larger program to incorporated fiscal services connected the platform. 

On July 25, Musk tweeted that his endeavor X Corp acquired Twitter successful the sanction of state of code and to beforehand the improvement of his "everything app" besides to beryllium called “X.” He hinted that successful the coming months, users tin expect to behaviour their “entire fiscal world” connected the platform.

Twitter was acquired by X Corp some to guarantee state of code and arsenic an accelerant for X, the everything app. This is not simply a institution renaming itself, but doing the aforesaid thing.

The Twitter sanction made consciousness erstwhile it was conscionable 140 quality messages going backmost and distant – like…

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2023

He besides mentioned the summation of “comprehensive communications,” unneurotic with the fiscal services and extended posts did not acceptable the archetypal ethos of Twitter and truthful besides merited the sanction change. 

Officially, the platform’s branding lost its bluish vertebrate and shifted implicit to the “X” awesome connected July 24, 2023.

In an interview, Musk said that if executed correctly, X has the imaginable to encompass “half of the planetary fiscal system” with plans for banking, payments and more. Some person likened the imaginable of the X app to beryllium akin to China’s WeChat.

X is yet arriving!

X volition beryllium an "everything app" i.e. ace app for U.S. (like WeChat of China)

• Social: network, msgs, video, content
• Finance: banking, payments, data

"Overtime it would beryllium HALF of planetary fiscal system" - Elon Muskpic.twitter.com/wWywAdYRZR

— Brandon Hoffman (@BrandonHoffman_) July 14, 2023

Prior to nationalist consciousness of the Twitter rebranding Musk has been advocating for the integration of fiscal services onto the level since helium acquired the platform for $44 cardinal backmost successful October 2022. 

In April, he concisely changed Twitter’s logo to Doge which caused the memecoin (DOGE) to surge 20% successful the hr pursuing the little stunt.

A fewer weeks after, CNBC reported that Twitter volition present a caller feature, successful concern with fintech level eToro, that volition let users to commercialized cryptocurrencies and stocks connected the platform.

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Shortly aft the rebrand, users noticed the (DOGE) awesome added to Musk’s profile, which sparked rumors among the crypto assemblage of a imaginable Dogecoin integration for payments connected the platform.

Despite Musk’s ongoing narration with the crypto assemblage via his championing of the memecoin, crypto Twitter had mixed reactions to the rebranding of the platform. 

Some successful the assemblage called the determination “insane” and that they would inactive telephone the level by its aged name, portion others suggested keeping the Twitter sanction and utilizing X arsenic a wallet for the platform.

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