EOS Antelope Leap 5.0 Upgrade to Be Activated in Q4, 2023, ENF Says

1 year ago 85

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Vladislav Sopov

Here's what's astir to alteration successful EOS with its hotly anticipated Antelope Leap 5.0 upgrade

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF), a nonprofit down the method advancement and selling of Eos blockchain and its dApps ecosystem, shares the details of its hotly anticipated upgrade that volition alteration the communicative for EOS-focused developers, assemblage enthusiasts and the Web3 conception arsenic a whole.

Antelope Leap 5.0 upgrade expected successful November-December 2023, ENF says

Major EOS statement upgrade Antelope Leap 5.0 is expected to beryllium activated successful Q4, 2023. The upgrade is acceptable to present an array of method improvements for faster synchronization, improved peer-to-peer enactment and amended information for each users of EOS- and Antelope-based blockchains, the ENF connection says.

— EOS Network Foundation (@EOSnFoundation) July 24, 2023

First of all, it is simply a HotStuff Consensus Algorithm, an unfastened root exertion primitively developed by VMware successful 2018. In 2019-2021, it was leveraged by Facebook blockchain inaugural Libra.

To scope instant finality of transactions and accelerated artifact verification, ENF added aggregated BLS signatures compatible with HotStuff. All improvements impact the recently launched EOS EVM ecosystem and Antelope Trustless IBC arsenic well.

With these advancements, the blockchain's transaction finality volition driblet to a fewer seconds successful the bulk of cases. The upgrade is besides acceptable to effect successful melodramatic scalability improvements.

Also, with Leap 5.0, each Antelope-based concatenation volition person autochthonal ZK-proof enabled astute contracts astatine their halfway that makes the blockchain much competitory successful the L1 conception than ever before.

"Moving beyond DPoS": What changes for assemblage and artifact producers?

Last but not least, unneurotic with the cryptography researchers of University of Fudan, ENF has been moving connected improvements to the adjacent node find and synchronization process.

With each of these changes, the relation of blockchain participants volition beryllium much mature successful EOS. With Leap 5.0 activated, they volition harvester the roles of artifact proposer, statement person and artifact finalizer, portion verifying transactions.

The squad of ENF expects the increasing decentralization of EOS- and Antelope-based blockchains done a important summation successful the fig of artifact finalizers.

This upgrade volition beryllium the astir important upgrade to the EOS codebase aft the activation of Antelope Leap 4.0 bundle successful April 2023.

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