Netflix eyes AI amid Hollywood strike, offers high-paying AI positions

1 year ago 86

The positions travel with six-figure salaries, ranging from $450,000 to $650,000 for the Technical Director relation and $300,000 to $900,000 for the Product Manager position.

Netflix eyes AI amid Hollywood strike, offers high-paying AI positions

As the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists/Writers Guild of America (SAG-AFTRA/WGA) onslaught over the usage of artificial quality (AI) successful movie and TV accumulation enters its 2nd week, Netflix is advertizing for AI developers to capable Product Manager and Technical Director positions wrong its R&D Labs and Machine Learning division.

In the occupation posting, Netflix stated that they are establishing a caller merchandise absorption presumption with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of their Machine Learning Platform.

According to Netflix, some roles volition beryllium located astatine the watercourse platform's office successful Los Gatos, California, but they connection the flexibility to enactment remotely. The positions travel with six-figure salaries, ranging from $450,000 to $650,000 for the Technical Director role and $300,000 to $900,000 for the Product Manager position.

Screenshot showing Netflix occupation listings connected LinkedIn.  Source: LinkedIn

Both writers and actors successful Hollywood stock concerns astir the expanding usage of AI. Writers fearfulness that generative AI tools, specified arsenic ChatGPT, may perchance regenerate their jobs, portion actors are alarmed astir their faces and bodies being scanned for inheritance roles. This information seizure raises worries astir the indefinite usage of their likeness for minimal oregon nary compensation.

The occupation advertisement highlights the important request for instrumentality learning and AI expertise, peculiarly fixed the accelerated advancement of AI since the instauration of OpenAI's ChatGPT successful November. Both positions necessitate acquisition successful crippled plan and the instrumentality learning domain. Interestingly, neither relation explicitly mandates a assemblage grade arsenic a requirement.

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As per the Netflix LinkedIn occupation posting, the vacancies emerged past week, which interestingly coincided with the breakdown of negotiations betwixt SAG-AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Consequently, the actors showing solidarity with the striking writers decided to articulation them connected the picket line.

This improvement has added a furniture of value to the situation, with some parties expressing their concerns and demands done corporate enactment during this captious play of declaration negotiations successful the movie and tv industry.

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