No MSTR Airdrop: MicroStrategy's X Account Hacked to Promote Ethereum Scam

4 months ago 95

MicroStrategy, a starring concern quality company, found itself astatine the halfway of a cybersecurity incident. The company's X relationship was compromised to broadcast a fraudulent Ethereum token airdrop, deceiving users with the committedness of escaped tokens.

The unauthorized station announced the motorboat of "$MSTR," an Ethereum-based token allegedly integrated into MicroStrategy's ecosystem. 

It touted debased transaction fees, a instauration connected trusted and scalable code, and backing by MicroStrategy's Bitcoin reserves. The tweet besides invited users to assertion a expected escaped $MSTR token.

Cybersecurity experts person confirmed that this announcement was a scam, and MicroStrategy has not initiated immoderate specified token airdrop.

Upon further investigation, it has been reported that astir $440,000 has been stolen arsenic a effect of this compromise.

MicroStrategy promptly regained power of their account, with the fraudulent station nary longer being visible.  

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