Robert Kiyosaki Buys More Bitcoin Right Now, Here's Why

1 year ago 154

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Gamza Khanzadaev

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" writer precise blessed with Bitcoin and pessimistic astir altcoins

It would person seemed that the twelvemonth 2022 would end without a last sentiment connected Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies by Robert Kiyosaki, the writer of the bestselling concern motivational lit "Rich Dad Poor Dad," but connected the past time of the twelvemonth the writer reported his existent constituent of presumption successful this field.

Kiyosaki is, archetypal of all, precise excited astir Bitcoin. He keeps investing successful BTC now, astir importantly due to the fact that it is classified arsenic a commodity similar different instruments that the writer loves: gold, metallic and oil. It is absorbing that the writer seemingly did not hold for the antecedently predicted terms of $1,000 per Bitcoin and continues to put astatine existent levels.

Q: Are you investing successful Bitcoin?
A: Yes I am. I americium precise excited astir Bitcoin. Why? Because Bitcoin is classified arsenic a commodity overmuch similar gold, silver, and oil. Most crypto tokens are classifed arsenic a information and SEC regulations volition crush astir of them. I americium buying much BC

— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) December 31, 2022

At the aforesaid time, Kiyosaki's presumption is radically antithetic for different cryptocurrencies, astir of which helium expects to beryllium crushed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's regulatory measures.

Robert Kiyosaki's constituent of presumption connected 2023

In his planetary forecast for 2023, the writer urges readers to hole for different roller-coaster year. According to his rhetoric, by 2024, the U.S. Federal Reserve's argumentation of raising involvement rates volition pb to the illness of galore sectors similar existent property and a driblet successful idiosyncratic income.

As a conclusion, Robert Kiyosaki erstwhile again stresses that lone the astute and informed volition get affluent nether specified circumstances.

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