Roubini Lambasts Gemini and DCG as “Ponzi Cesspools”

1 year ago 124

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Alex Dovbnya

Nouriel Roubini has shared his instrumentality connected the latest cryptocurrency “cat fight” betwixt Gemini and DCG

In a caller tweet, economist Nouriel Roubini opined that crypto speech Gemini and task steadfast Digital Currency Group are some “scammy Ponzi cesspools” successful airy of heightened tensions betwixt the 2 companies.   

As reported by U.Today, Gemini’s Cameron Winklevoss has accused chap businessman DCG’s Barry Silbert of "bad religion stall tactics" and the intermingling of funds wrong his conglomerate, asserting that the second has near $900 cardinal successful lawsuit assets needlessly successful limbo since FTX's meltdown. Winklevoss claims the $1.675 cardinal borrowed by DCG from Genesis was utilized for different concern purposes, asking Silbert to perpetrate to uncovering a solution for Gemini Earn customers. 

Silbert responded that DCG did not get from Genesis, and is existent connected each loans outstanding. Moreover, DCG has offered a connection for resolving the quality connected Dec. 29th.

The astir caller crypto feud highlights the analyzable web of connections betwixt apical firms successful the crypto industry.

Roubini described the quality arsenic “crypto catfights astir crappy sh*tcoins among shady characters.”

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