SafeMoon (SFM) Price Prediction 2025-2030: Will SFM go to moon in 2025?

1 year ago 142

Disclaimer: The datasets shared successful the pursuing nonfiction person been compiled from a acceptable of online resources and bash not bespeak AMBCrypto’s ain probe connected the subject.

The terms of Safemoon (SFM) has mostly followed the wide crypto manufacture inclination since FTX’s collapse successful November past year. Its terms has risen to $0.000000005225, surging by 3% wrong the past 4 days.

Read Price Prediction for SafeMoon [SFM] for 2023-24

The Safemoon coin was heavy promoted arsenic a semipermanent investment. To execute this, it increases transaction fees by 10%, with coin owners receiving 50% of the funds. Safemoon has had a hard year, with the institution accused of manipulating its terms with personage endorsements, prompting immoderate investors to record lawsuits against it. Its existent marketplace capitalization is $2.9 million.

Since its introduction, SafeMoon has outperformed the bulk of the apical meme coin projects’ ROI, wherever astir of them person been operating for a year. As 1 of CoinMarketCap’s astir fashionable pages, SafeMoon has had much visits than Bitcoin and Ethereum combined. SafeMoon received a breakout reaction, oregon astir a cardinal searches, according to Google’s trending statistic of the globe filter.

In 2021, SFM importantly repaid its investors. Given however volatile the crypto marketplace is, it is intolerable to foretell the terms of SafeMoon oregon immoderate different cryptocurrency successful the future. However, fixed that SafeMoon switched to V2 successful December 2021, the show of SFM Coin successful the aboriginal is promising. This coin is actively promoted by the SafeMoon army, which works nonstop time and night.

This nonfiction volition instrumentality a look astatine SafeMoon’s caller marketplace activity, paying peculiar attraction to its marketplace headdress and volume. With the assistance of datasets similar non-zero addresses, whale transaction counts, etc., the aforesaid volition beryllium expanded upon. The astir well-known analysts’ and platforms’ predictions volition beryllium summarized astatine the end, on with a look astatine the Fear & Greed Index to gauge marketplace sentiment.

SafeMoon’s price, volume, and everything successful between

SafeMoon was launched successful March 2021 with a proviso of 777 trillion tokens. Its rising popularity, coupled with the crypto-boom of 2021, proved to beryllium highly palmy for the coin arsenic its terms deed an ATH by astir mid-April.

By the extremity of October, its terms continued to deed caller levels and prolong erstwhile levels whenever drawdowns came to be.

At the clip of writing, the token was trading astatine $0.0002290, arsenic per TradingView.

Source: TradingView

The popularity of SafeMoon earned it a immense fig of users. Launched successful March 2021, its marketplace capitalization grew exponentially wrong a substance of a fewer weeks, peaking astatine $5.75 cardinal successful mid-May. By the extremity of October 2021, SafeMoon’s marketplace headdress was supra $3.65 million.

During the crypto-collapse of 2022, the market capitalization of SafeMoon fell from $1.4 cardinal (early January) to a small implicit $215 million. At property time, its marketplace headdress was above $145 million. 

According to CNBC International’s estimation, the tremendous flood of stimulus from governments and cardinal banks passim the satellite to dainty the coronavirus epidemic volition lone heighten concern successful the SafeMoon trade, according to proponents of the cryptocurrency. They contend that specified activities trim the worth of fiat money, making SafeMoon a profitable concern for holders of cryptocurrencies.

Several celebrities, including the Backstreet Boys’ subordinate Nick Carter, the young rap sensation Lil’ Yachty and Youtuber Logan Paul, person endorsed SafeMoon. The coin has besides been taxable to respective lawsuits, however, with immoderate accusing it of recruiting celebrities to assistance sprout up its price.

Everyone needs #SAFEMOON oregon this volition beryllium you 📈

— Jake Paul (@jakepaul) March 27, 2021

One of the much caller incidents successful the SafeMoon personage endorsement saga was erstwhile SafeMoon investors brought a suit against Barstool Sports founder, Dave Portnoy. Portnoy was successful the quality successful September 2021 erstwhile helium invested $40000 successful SafeMoon, calling the crypto his “favorite sh*tcoin”.

Investors accused him of pumping the crypto and past dumping his positions. However, Portnoy claimed that helium did not marque immoderate wealth connected his concern and arsenic a substance of information mislaid a important portion of his investment.” Im lone feline who loses each his wealth successful safemoon and gets sued for it,” helium added.

However, the ineligible accusation website named Justia revealed that connected 9 September, the plaintiffs filed a announcement of dismissal successful respect to Portnoy.  

Towards the extremity of July, Bloomberg reported that SafeMoon had entered into a concern with Pige Inu. The associated task volition spot collaboration connected Twitter arsenic good arsenic listing the second connected SafeMoon Swap. 

That was not the lone caller listing for SafeMoon Swap successful July. As per a report by Insider, SafeMoon had announced a firm concern with MetFX. As per the partnership, the task volition beryllium listed for trading connected SafeMoon Swap.

Over the coming year, it would surely surpass each restrictions and bring bully luck to anyone who invested successful it. In fact, by the extremity of 2021, SafeMoon’s terms easy deed $0.000001367 acknowledgment to beardown astute contracts.

Social sentiment

Data from blockchain analytics steadfast Santiment revealed that marketplace events person been capable to power SafeMoon’s popularity. Positive sentiment arsenic good arsenic its societal dominance were astatine the debased mark, astatine property time.

Both these metrics had archetypal peaked successful the aftermath of Terra’s collapse. Thereafter, it saw a spike successful the period of August and September. But aft 6 September, it has been connected a accordant decline. 

SafeMoon’s 2025 Predictions

Market predictions are not wholly trustworthy. Cryptocurrency analysts cannot ever foresee larger governmental and economical forces specified arsenic geopolitical crises successful Ukraine oregon expanding regulations. Besides, antithetic analysts look astatine antithetic sets of marketplace metrics to get astatine their conclusions. Therefore, their predictions tin wide vary. Investors should behaviour owed probe earlier investing successful immoderate cryptocurrency, particularly a coin arsenic volatile arsenic SafeMoon. 

Are your SFM holdings flashing green? Check the profit calculator

A Changelly blogpost says that crypto-experts person analyzed the terms of SafeMoon since its motorboat and don’t foretell a rosy representation for the token. According to them, SFM volition beryllium traded astatine arsenic debased arsenic $0.00000002 passim 2025. 

Telegaon, however, is precise optimistic astir the aboriginal of SafeMoon. In 2030, it predicts that SFM volition beryllium traded for arsenic precocious arsenic $0.012 and arsenic debased arsenic $0.0072. Its mean terms passim the twelvemonth volition beryllium $0.0084, it claimed. 

The Capital’s Mohadesa Najumi summarized that SFM volition beryllium traded wrong the scope of $0.000918 and $0.002 successful 2025.

SafeMoon’s 2030 Predictions

For 2030, Changelly claimed that SMF volition beryllium traded astatine arsenic precocious arsenic $0.00000015 and arsenic debased arsenic $0.00000013 successful 2030. Its mean terms successful the said twelvemonth volition beryllium $0.00000014, with its imaginable ROI being 400%.

Telegaon, connected the contrary, predicted that it volition beryllium traded astatine arsenic precocious arsenic $0.11 and arsenic debased arsenic $0.38. Its mean terms successful the said twelvemonth volition beryllium $0.24, it said.

Najumi writes that antithetic forecasters person antithetic expectations regarding the aboriginal of SafeMoon. In 2030, it could beryllium traded wrong the scope of $0.00211 and $0.011, she stated. 

Here, it’s worthy looking astatine the Crypto-Market’s Fear and Greed Index too. It’s been a bearish fewer days for the market, with the scale with a speechmaking of conscionable 20, astatine the clip of writing. On the contrary, the aforesaid had a speechmaking of 47 earlier this month. Needless to say, determination seems to beryllium a batch of fearfulness around.


SafeMoon employs a staking algorithm owed to which you tin summation much connected your investment. Its staking algorithm lets users gain much involvement connected their investments than they would with accepted concern options specified arsenic stocks oregon bonds. It gained attraction successful the marketplace with the motorboat of SafeMoon V2 successful December past year. It brought with itself a 1000:1 consolidation update with a caller full SFM proviso of 1 trillion.

SafeMoon is inactive a respectable currency to put successful for bully aboriginal profits. Being a meme coin, the plus is taxable to important terms fluctuations. It is fortunate that it is simply a desirable alternate fixed its debased cost. The plus has immoderate promise, arsenic evidenced by the aforementioned Safemoon projections.

🌕 V2 update

1 trillion volition beryllium the caller full proviso for V2. With the burn, we person 575 cardinal successful circulation. Token consolidation: 1000:1 V2 update.#SAFEMOONSUNDAY

— SafeMoon (@safemoon) October 3, 2021

The SafeMoon assemblage besides remains precise strong, ever making efforts to instrumentality it to newer heights. In fact, it won the Crypto-Community of the Year Award 2021 astatine the AIBC Summit held successful Malta. 

If we observe the terms question of SafeMoon implicit the past fewer months closely, we tin expect an upward question due to the fact that it shows a breach from a falling absorption enactment and consequent validation arsenic support.

SafeMoon, similar astir memecoins, began its travel by mocking the craze of cryptocurrency. However, it rapidly went viral and gained traction. The SafeMoon squad rapidly realized wherever it could spell and soon launched the SafeMoon Wallet. The radical has learned to thrust connected its power implicit time.

An investor, who had antecedently sued the creators of the Safemoon token for allegedly defrauding investors by artificially inflating the terms of the tokens done mendacious statements, dropped his people enactment past week. As this quality emerged, the token’s terms skyrocketed to $0.00000196. But it soon dropped to its accustomed price. 

SafeMoon, similar astir memecoins, began by mocking the cryptocurrency craze. It rapidly went viral and gained traction. The SafeMoon squad rapidly recognized its imaginable and launched the SafeMoon Wallet. Over time, the radical has learned to trust connected its power.

Safemoon describes itself arsenic “a human-focused exertion and innovation concern advancing blockchain technologies for a brighter tomorrow.” The project’s aboriginal days arsenic a axenic deflationary tokenomics endeavour look precise antithetic from specified a tagline. The authoritative Twitter relationship has conscionable nether 1.3 cardinal followers, and 300,000 radical are members of the subreddit.


SafeMoon precocious released the SafeMoon Token Monetization Innovation (TMI). The SafeMoon TMI changes the decentralized speech scenery to escaped up further entree for token spouse listings. It fundamentally expands the availability of Web 3.0 for much participants by making token inclusions much accessible to token liquidity providers and unlocking further assemblage imaginable to spouse with meaningful projects.

The aboriginal of SafeMoon, similar the aboriginal of each cryptocurrencies, is uncertain, but it has the imaginable to soar if it is palmy successful adapting to caller technological and marketplace changes. Before investing successful a cryptocurrency, investors should beryllium wary of marketplace trends and ore connected researching the cryptocurrency’s semipermanent impact.

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