Shiba Inu (SHIB) Giveaway Announced, Here's What It's For

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Tomiwabold Olajide

Exciting SHIB giveaway announced for community

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Shiba ecosystem authoritative Lucie revealed connected Twitter the details of an breathtaking giveaway for the Shiba Inu community.

As known, Shiba Inu is the rubric sponsor for the Blockchain Futurist Conference, Eth Toronto and Eth Women this August successful Toronto. This level of sponsorship enhances its lasting arsenic a important subordinate successful the cryptocurrency manufacture by placing it alongside important exchanges and projects.


Calling each #SHIBARMY members! 🐶💪 Do you privation to be @ETH_Toronto? We've got you covered with an breathtaking giveaway!

🎁 PRIZE: 2 Tickets to @ETH_Toronto for One Lucky Winner! 🎟️🎉 ( $700 )

To Enter:

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— 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐄 (@LucieSHIB) July 25, 2023

Expectations are already rising successful beforehand of these events, wherever important announcements are expected to beryllium made, which besides coincide with Shiba Inu's 3rd anniversary.

Lucie, successful a tweet, revealed an breathtaking giveaway for those who privation to beryllium a portion of Shiba Inu's making of history. The giveaway, according to Lucie, is specifically for those who privation to be ETH Toronto.

The giveaway offers 2 escaped tickets for 1 fortunate winner, allowing the idiosyncratic to partake successful the historical infinitesimal with a friend.

The victor of the giveaway, which ends July 27, volition beryllium randomly selected and announced afterward.

Historic developments connected horizon

Lucie, successful a tweet yesterday, hinted astatine "something cooking" for Shiba Inu. As reported, Shiba Inu pb Shytoshi Kusama volition beryllium speaking for the archetypal clip via AI astatine the Blockchain Futurist Conference.

Speaking much astir the conference, Kusama says, "It's determination that the Worldpaper volition beryllium connected display, afloat completed, wherever each SHIB-branded projects volition beryllium revealed and wherever TREAT volition archetypal beryllium publically discussed successful detail. It's besides highly apt we volition sermon and adjacent merchandise our long-awaited L2 Shibarium."

Shiba Inu's real-life component, Shibacals, volition besides beryllium connected afloat show astatine the event.

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