The worst influencer and celebrity NFT cash grabs of 2022

1 year ago 126

Mainstream hype for the nonfungible token (NFT) marketplace cooled down importantly successful 2022, but that didn’t halt a big of fashionable and affluent figures from stinking up the abstraction with dreadful collections past year.

In the 2022 variation of the worst influencer and personage NFT currency grabs, Cointelegraph takes a look astatine 4 projects seemingly designed to beverage superior retired of their fans pockets, portion delivering precise little.

Tai Lopez — OG (Original Garage) Social Club

First connected the database is the oddball entrepreneur Tai Lopez, champion known for his cheesy selling campaigns that utilized to plague YouTube not truthful agelong ago.

Lopez’s astir celebrated video is his “here successful my garage” concern people promo from 2015 wherever helium archetypal shows disconnected his Lambo earlier switching gears and noting that helium is much arrogant of the thousands of books helium owns due to the fact that of the “knowledge” they springiness him.

Paying homage to the video, Lopez launched a collection dubbed the “OG (Original Garage) Social Club” successful March.

The NFTs came successful 3 tiers of rarity, going from anyplace betwixt $150 connected the little extremity to $50,000 for the premium tokens that offered exclusive benefits specified arsenic a one-on-one hoops crippled with Lopez, watching a movie, oregon eating meal unneurotic and backstage mentorship sessions.

Tai Lopez is selling an NFT that gives you the CHANCE to triumph $10,000 if you bushed him astatine 1 connected 1 basketball.
The price? $50,000.

— Coffeezilla (@coffeebreak_YT) March 5, 2022

The existent information connected OpenSea present paints a grim representation however, with the level terms for each the NFTs careless of rarity, sitting astatine 0.08 Ether (ETH) oregon $97 astatine the clip of writing.

Looking astatine the premium NFTs, the basketball-related token is connected merchantability for arsenic debased arsenic 0.880 ETH ($1069), portion an NFT granting entree to a one-on-one meal with Lopez is present connected merchantability for 1 ETH ($1214) contempt archetypal being sold for astir $30,000.

Donald Trump — Trump Digital Trading Cards

Despite historically being a vocal crypto-hater, erstwhile president Donald Trump announced a unusual licensed NFT task successful December that consisted of 45,000 self-themed trading cards.

The shoddy and potentially plagiarized artwork of the NFTs depicted Trump successful assorted forms specified arsenic a superhero, hunter, cowboy and golfer. The NFTs offered buyers a accidental to triumph a big of one-on-one experiences with the 45th president via sweepstakes.

Trump Digital Trading Card NFTs: OpenSea

The NFTs initially sold for $99 apiece rapidly selling retired connected Dec. 16 with the level terms rapidly rising to 0.83 ETH ($1,008) connected OpenSea wrong 2 days. Since then, however, the terms has importantly tanked to 0.164 ETH ($199).

While radical who archetypal bought successful are apt to inactive beryllium successful the green, the Trump NFT task is bully either mode arsenic it pocketed astir $4.5 cardinal from the archetypal sales, with an ongoing 10% creator interest besides coming backmost to it via income connected secondary markets.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. — Mayweverse

Boxing icon Floyd Mayweather Jr. besides makes the 2022 database for an NFT task that seems to person been wholly abandoned astatine the clip of writing.

Tweeting connected Mar. 22, Mayweather announced the “Mayweverse” consisting of 5,000 NFT collectibles.

“If you are successful the NFT satellite and you’re betting connected me, you volition ne'er lose,” helium said.

Here earlier the task dilatory rugs. Don’t you person a estimation of promoting scams?

— ZachXBT (@zachxbt) March 21, 2022

The NFTs initially went for a mint terms of astir $900 connected Apr. 13 offering hodlers the accidental to triumph currency prizes ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 and exclusive experiences specified arsenic joining Mayweather successful an upcoming Metaverse called “Floyd’s Gym.”

Since the mint, the Mayweverse Twitter relationship has remained dormant with not a azygous follow-up tweet passim 2022. It’s unclear if anyone received prizes oregon erstwhile the Metaverse volition beryllium shipped.

The website’s roadmap besides remains undated contempt initially stating different “future benefits” would beryllium announced soon.

Click “Collect” beneath the illustration astatine the apical of the leafage or follow this link.

OpenSea information besides makes it hard to ascertain what is happening with the project.

One Maywevere postulation listed connected the marketplace contains 73 tokens that are not for merchantability with nary terms history. Another contains 5 NFTs which each past sold for little 0.050 Wrapped ETH ($60) but person a level terms of 0.1 ETH ($121).

Mayweverse NFTs: OpenSea

Lana Rhoades — CryptoSis.

Last connected the database is the fashionable influencer and erstwhile big movie prima Lana Rhoades launched the now-abandoned Crypto Sis NFT task successful February 2022.

Crypto Sis consists of 6,069 Rhoades-themed cartoon avatar NFTs with the fig initially meant to beryllium 6,969 which it didn’t scope owed to a deficiency of demand.

Crypto Sis NFTs: OpenSea

The NFTs went for a mint terms of astir $261 but the worth present fundamentally sits astatine $0 connected OpenSea arsenic determination has been little than 1 ETH worthy of total trading enactment since its Feb. 2022 launch. The project’s Twitter leafage is besides currently suspended.

Rhoades reportedly pocketed $1.5 cardinal from the sales, past promptly withdrew the funds from her Ethereum wallet earlier walking distant from the task altogether stating her assemblage was excessively negative.

Related: Crypto adoption successful 2022: What events moved the manufacture forward?

In now-deleted societal media posts, Rhoades initially touted the avatars would beryllium usable successful the Metaverse on with offering a big of utilities specified arsenic whitelist entree to aboriginal drops, inclusion into a Metaverse community, signed merch and virtual conscionable and greets.

Rhoades claimed she was moving hard to marque the task a “lucrative concern for holders that they tin merchantability for much than they paid to mint.”

Deleted Crypto Sis posts: Instagram

However, nary of that has travel to fruition, starring to radical successful the assemblage to impeach her of operating a rug pull. Rhoades counter-argued the task flopped and determination was thing she could bash to hole it.

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