UFO hearing: Crypto degens spare no time crafting 50 alien shitcoins

1 year ago 77

In the aftermath of the US authorities being accused of covering up extraterrestrial activity, crypto degens were speedy to sprout a shiny batch of memecoins.

 Crypto degens spare nary  clip  crafting 50 alien shitcoins

Crypto degens person been speedy to effort and capitalize connected a widely-watched proceeding wherever erstwhile United States authorities officials person claimed the beingness of alien spacecraft and “biologics."

Testifying nether oath astatine the House Oversight Subcommittee connected National Security, David Grusch, a erstwhile Pentagon task unit subordinate connected Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and whistleblower, accused the U.S. authorities of covering up alien visitation to Earth.

The July 26 proceeding has since gone viral, prompting implicit 50 alien, UFO, oregon different extra-terrestrial themed-tokens to harvest up implicit the past 24 hours.

While Grusch admitted helium couldn’t supply answers to circumstantial questions owed to overmuch of the accusation remaining classified, helium said that the United States authorities was successful possession of “non-human” spacecraft. Citing Pentagon sources who inactive worked connected the UAP program, Grusch claimed that determination were “non-human biologics” recovered onboard these craft.

NEWS : Former US quality authoritative David Grusch claims nether oath that aliens beryllium and that the US authorities is successful possession of UFOs and non-human bodies.#UFO #Aliens #space pic.twitter.com/TKGrp14Uq7

— The Cosmos Book (@TheCosmosBook) July 26, 2023

Also testifying astatine the proceeding was enforcement manager of Americans for Safe Aerospace Ryan Graves and retired Navy Commander David Fravor.

Notably, Fravor was liable for capturing now-infamous footage of a “tic tac” UAP disconnected the West Coast of the U.S. successful 2004. Fravor noted that the “tic tacs” were susceptible of staying wholly inactive successful gale-force winds, starring him to reason that the UAP’s were “far beyond the worldly subject that we presently possess.”

Wasting nary time, crypto degens person already pumped retired a flood of caller other terrestrial-themed shitcoins.

According to information DexTools — a level that allows traders to presumption a wide array of unverified, debased marketplace headdress tokens — much than 50 alien, UFO and different extra-terrestrial-themed tokens, sporting tickers similar “ALIENX,” “UFO,” and “ALIEN” person cropped up successful the past 24 hours.

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It’s worthy noting that galore marque caller memecoins are often “honeypot” scams, that utilize hype astir a definite taxable successful an effort to pull investors, but are designed with mechanisms that forestall FOMO-driven investors from selling their tokens aft they’ve bought in.

Fortunately, the immense bulk of the caller tokens person witnessed small to nary trading enactment contempt the taxable trending connected Twitter and Google searches.

Still, immoderate of the somewhat larger alien-themed memecoins yielded immoderate somewhat improved performance. According to data from CoinGecko, the UFO Gaming Token (UFO) gained 2.4% successful the past 24 hours portion the AlienFi token (ALIEN) was up 5.9%.

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