Web3.0 infrastructure GreenPower Network’s debut at CES 2023

1 year ago 122

The Web3.0 infrastructure GreenPower Network, unneurotic with its strategical hardware spouse Immotor, a starring subordinate successful the marketplace for portable powerfulness retention devices, has been invited to be the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023 successful Las Vegas. CES is the world’s largest electronics user show, drafting successful monolithic multinationals, innovative newcomers, enthusiasts, and investors to stock products and ideas connected cutting-edge of innovation and technology. GreenPower Network is going to showcase the transformative powerfulness of its Web3.0 infrastructure astatine CES 2023.

GreenPower Network is simply a Web3 infrastructure designed for planetary sustainability activists, which aims to lick insufficient planetary powerfulness sum successful an efficient, competitory and sustainable way. GreenPower Network integrates Web3.0 exertion with planetary greenish vigor hardware and facilities, encouraging users’ energy-saving behaviour done a greenish vigor large information certification strategy based connected distributed web technology. Sustainable choices locally make sustainable changes globally, and with GreenPower Network, users are empowered and motivated to marque those choices.

GreenPower Network pioneers a decentralized GreenPower ID (GID), which tin beryllium activated by Avatar NFTs that enactment arsenic a user’s integer double. Avatars tin beryllium bound to sustainable powerfulness devices, allowing virtual identities to alteration the carnal world. GreenPower Network authenticates and records greenish vigor data, issuing a unsocial certificate to those who lend to sustainability. GreenPower Network enables Web3.0 users to gain gross by completing greenish vigor tasks, truthful that the astute prime volition ever beryllium the sustainable choice.

As a integer infrastructure creator, GreenPower Network is cooperating with aggregate powerfulness hardware providers to bring its imaginativeness to market. Along with showcasing its product, GreenPower Network looks guardant to sharing ideas and forging caller partnerships astatine CES. Consumer electronics companies of each sizes tin affirm their committedness to a steadfast aboriginal by joining GreenPower Network successful making Web3.0 a unit for planetary sustainable energy.

About GreenPower Network

GreenPower Network is simply a Web3.0 greenish vigor infrastructure, serving arsenic a gateway for billions of users to the Web3.0 greenish vigor ecosystem.

For much information, delight sojourn www.greenpowern.com

Disclaimer: This is simply a paid station and should not beryllium treated arsenic news/advice.  

With Masters successful Mass connection and journalism, Anjali's interests prevarication successful blockchain exertion adoption crossed emerging economies.

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