YES WORLD launches specialized energy efficient glass solution to SAVE EARTH

1 year ago 101

Blockchain-based clime tech institution – YES WORLD Climate Tech Pte Ltd launches the world’s archetypal Energy Efficient Windows Solution for location and commercialized buildings. This caller merchandise enactment of specialized solid is portion of the institution SAVE EARTH MISSION to trim the c footprint from the atmosphere.

The specialized solid solution includes treble pane solid and sandwich solid which has a furniture of a patented worldly that reflects 85% star radiant vigor arsenic good arsenic blocks 92% of UV rays from entering the building. The energy-efficient solid is simply a see-through windows solution that blocks the bulk of star vigor from entering the gathering and importantly reduces the vigor depletion successful presumption of HVAC load.

The energy-efficient solid merchandise enactment by YES WORLD not lone reduces the radiant heat, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect successful the gathering but besides reflects 92% of the damaging UV rays backmost retired done the window, reducing fading and prima damage.  It besides provides daytime privateness done its unsocial one-way imaginativeness plan and power glare issues for delicate eyes.

As a clime tech company, YES WORLD is connected the world’s biggest ngo to SAVE EARTH, moving towards a solution for the biggest occupation faced by mankind – Global Warming. YES WORLD is among precise fewer companies that person tangible offerings towards the solution to the planetary warming crisis. In summation to the energy-efficient windows solution, YES WORLD is besides moving connected Carbon emanation information analytics and a tokenization work for c offsets.  

YES WORLD TOKEN is the autochthonal token for YES WORLD’s Save Earth mission. YES WORLD has taken a community-driven attack to make consciousness astir clime alteration and planetary warming. YES is simply a almighty mechanics to make a beardown assemblage moving towards meaningful c emanation simplification activities portion getting the vantage of holding best-in-class inferior Tokens successful the signifier of $YES.

Launched successful April 2022, YES WORLD Token is getting a batch of involvement from planetary crypto audiences, and buying involvement is seen crossed each exchanges. Based connected CoinMarketCap data, it has already generated three-digit returns for aboriginal adopters. YES WORLD announced the motorboat of a planetary inferior portal that is disposable successful 80 countries worldwide

YES is simply a starring inferior token with token usability disposable crossed respective verticals – Gaming, Travel, NFT Marketplace, Health & Fitness, and Financial services arsenic good arsenic wide acceptance among e-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores. YES WORLD plans to onboard 10 cardinal merchants worldwide by the planetary motorboat lawsuit scheduled successful April 2024.

YES WORLD Token offers respective inferior services to investors and enables them to not conscionable clasp a token for terms appreciation, but besides to usage it for assorted usability and inferior services disposable successful their countries. Users tin marque the outgo by scanning the barroom codification presented astatine the checkout connected the POS Terminal utilizing the token.

YES WORLD Token is trading connected respective starring centralized exchanges including and, arsenic good arsenic connected a decentralized speech – PancakeSwap. YES WORLD plans to beryllium listed connected implicit 50 starring crypto exchanges earlier its planetary launch.

Just past week YES WORLD announced that it crossed an important milestone of 1.5 cardinal transactions and 100k holders connected explorer – BSCScan.

YES WORLD is conceptualized and promoted by Save Earth activistic Dr. Sandeep Choudhary, who has perpetually been moving to make consciousness of planetary warming and clime alteration impacts. Under Dr. Choudhary’s imaginativeness and leadership, YES WORLD has championed a noble origin of reducing c footprint and bringing distant the contented of planetary warming and clime change. 

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